The Analytical Balance for Food Determination

For the determination of food, equipment is required to measure the exact amounts of matrix mass, and the analytical balance allows comparing the samples of the products and their reagents in order to obtain accurate results of a correct chemical analysis. This instrument consists of a measuring base, protective walls, a fixed plate, and buttons that electrically control the weighing of the samples, so that in this way it is possible to calculate up to small masses less than the milligram, using a force of gravity as a means of comparison.

This type of equipment was designed by the scientist Joseph Black in 1750, with the intention of obtaining accurate weighing results, which he could not achieve with other scales. At present, this instrument has been perfected and is one of the most important weighing units used in laboratories, where it is able to give results of up to 0.1 milligram.

Analytical balances for the determination of food, helps to improve its position in the industries and the basis of an insurmountable and reliable quality control, is to identify the incalculable commitments of all processes that are duly justified and manifest the conscience and responsibility of the company to meet the needs of consumers.

Correct Use of the Analytical Balance

Firstly, with the use of the analytical balance in the laboratory for the achievement of accurate results, it must have a suitable space and environment so that it does not interfere with the measurements. Appropriate measures, such as:

  • The equipment should be well placed on a table without unevenness, perfectly balanced away from any interference or vibrations.
  • The environment should be free from any air flow and temperature changes.
  • Samples should be weighed one by one and avoid using your hands so that they do not alter the results.
  • Use tweezers to manipulate samples.
  • The user should wear protective gloves to prevent any grease from sticking to the equipment.
  • The sampling equipment must be properly disinfected and free of any load of dirt and must not contaminate the substances.
  • Once the practice is complete, it is recommended to keep the container clean and the doors of the scale completely closed, so that future alterations are avoided.
  • After the entire study is completed, the equipment is cleaned with a brush until any remaining samples are removed and the equipment is turned on by placing it in 0.0000.

The Analytical Balance for the Food Sector

By using the analytical balance for the determination of foods, it allows the calculation of specific quantities with manufacturers for the proper familiarization of recipes and suitable products can be made, in addition to easily adjusting the measures and formulas.

The application of these measures is because consumers are always attentive to the problems that have to do with nutrition, therefore, they place their trust in food producing companies and they are dedicated to the production of the highest quality in products and control of them, so it has become one of the definitive elements for success in the food industry. For example, a food sample of the right size represents the portion of the ingredients of the product, and the analytical balances are responsible for providing the accurate and necessary information, determining the nutritional values of the products.

Kalstein Analytical Balance

At Kalstein we are manufacturers of the best Analytical Scales on the market, they correspond to the YR series, we also have an extensive category of products and at the best prices. Our team has a function of tare, counting, unit conversion. In addition to having sensitivity, speed setting and correct percentage. Its density function is accurate both for accumulation, peak retention and top and bottom set, among other more features that can be viewed in our catalog HERE